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Your Soul is pure vibration energy, it is your real consciousness

The Soul of man

Try not to focus just try to BE AT ONE.

Here is way you can know there is an afterlife. If you do not feel utter desolation to the very core of your being, God lives in you, god is infinite and eternal, your are a fragment of that infinity and it can never be extinguished because infinity simply is infinity

The brain is not the soul of mind, it is the hard drive, the processor of your mortal body. The mind download constantly onto the brain right up to death and a little beyond and that is why some of us remember events from a near death experience

The Cosmic “the Soul” personalized is an infinitesimal part of God in man. Just as a drop of water from the ocean has all the ingredients in the ocean, this “the Soul” has all the powers of God.

However, just as a drop of water from the ocean does not make up the ocean, the “the Soul” of one person does not make up God’s “the Soul”. All the drops joined together become the ocean; all the “the Soul’s in the universe together make up God’s Cosmic Soul”.

The Soul” is the source of all happiness, all misery, health, and disease, abundance and lack, riches and poverty, joy and sorrow. As the greatest

Our “Soul” is a microcosm and creates the macrocosm universe and more until it all consolidates into the godhead.

If you experience these things then you have an eternal soul, do you think a state of soullessness emptiness exists in you?

If you do you must and would die. By that I mean your physical body will die, because it is your soul or mind that sustains it as one harmonious organism

Like a laser beam, “the Soul” can focus its attention on the smallest atom or see the whole universe as if it is a speck. “The Soul” can become part of the environment and embrace the entire cosmos.

I know this is true, because when I died during my NDE I became god for a few wonderful inexplicable moments outside of linear time and space.

The speed of thought is more than the speed of light. In a millisecond, “the Soul” can reach the farthest galaxy, billions of light years away.

It is instantaneous and unlimited by space or time. For example, the precocious genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart said that he could hear a musical work as a single event and not successively.

What is thought what consciousness is??

What “the Soul” is and where it is situated has been debated for centuries. Rarely two philosophers agree on one definition or location for “the Soul”.

Rene Descartes, French philosopher, scientist, and mathematician said that there is a total and absolute distinction between mental and material substance and that “the Soul” he said situated in the pineal gland. I disagree the soul is a quantum energy field hovering around our body, especially the head area near the brain and many see it as an aura

“The Soul” is non material and cannot become part of a material such as the brain, pineal gland or amygdala.

We can go through every nerve cell, analyze electrochemically, spectroscopically, mass-photographically, electronically, and, using all known tests, we will not find any indication of “the Soul”.

There is no single location for the “the Soul”. The human “the Soul” is distributed throughout the human body and its environment.

Every cell has its own “the Soul” and has the ability to function independently or jointly with all the cells of the body.

For example, a neuron is capable of deciding whether it will transmit information to another nerve cell and, if it will, to which one among the thousands of cells with which it is in contact.

Similarly, endocrine cells decide whether they will respond to a demand for a particular enzyme by cells in another far corner of the body.

Even sponge cells exhibit a similar capacity of awareness. When a piece of sponge is ground up and individual cells are suspended in solution, they will come together and become a complete sponge within a few hours.

This indicates that each cell has a “Soul” of its own to decide to combine with another sponge cell and with which of the thousands of cells floating in solution.

Just as each of the thousand pieces of a splintered mirror will show the same reflection of an object as the whole mirror, each cell reflects our “the Soul” and each cell in the universe we humans etc, reflects the Universal Soul called by us as God


By Alan McDougall


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© 2009 Alan Grant McDougall. All rights reserved

Dear Forum 
I have begun to remember more and more of those strange journeys to the other side of physical life
So I wrote this essay based on my experiences for those who are interested

One early morning while all was still dark I awoke in that state between sleep and wake and the boundaries between my physical self and everything physical around me began to dissolve. Quietness like a soft warm comforting peaceful blanket descended on my sleeping body and mind. I could hear in the background the sweet song of birds softly singing birds and somehow knew their wonderful beautiful voices were in absolute harmony and somehow were reflected the electrons darting in the mind of the Infinite One. Outside leaves rustled in the autumn night and although still indoors on my bed, I could somehow feel the breeze against my skin and the wonderful scent of grass and flowers that permeated the earth.

I then arose above the earth to where the blue became black and looked with wonder of the glory of the infinite night. Suddenly everything vanished and I was no longer aware of where I was until a warm golden light encompassed me about and I knew I was in that eternal place outside time or space.

Indeed, I now dwelt in the everlasting infinite moment. Marvelous extraordinary insights flashed into my mind and I was able with a new godlike understanding to comprehend. All the mysteries of existence. It was clear to me then that the universe was mostly good and that evil will never prevail against the light. Beautifully interconnected in one glorious harmony of all things seem to be. I seemed to be an intense intelligent point of light.

I could see an eternal fire within the spirit of my being and was filled by it with a sustained sense of exultation, immense joy, peace, rapture and sublime bliss An intellectual illumination beyond any description overflowed my mind and.

I knew then that all humanity was potentially immortal and possessed eternal life and the ultimate plan of the universe was for the good of all that dwelt within its brilliant unimaginable beautiful wonderful and vast golden glorious boarders. The concept of time vanished and I seem to exist in an everlasting moment. The physical universe was indeed a most precious jewel in the mind of God.

The greatest emotion there was the feeling of unconditional all encompassing eternal love by our creator and all the joyful beings in this everlasting blinding pure domain of light and life All life was of prime importance and the souls of animals were loved by the creator God.  We sang there all together in perfect harmony the creation song of Gods existence and eternal mystery.

This timeless reality was so very much more real than the three-dimensional reality we experience on earth. In this state, my mind was clear and I could feel an incredible energy and power coursing through me in this new wonderful indescribable time place. There seem to be nothing but a sense of knowing, being and loving. A strange thing was that in this dimension one could alternate between the subjective and objective anytime at will .Oh! How my soul did delight then and how reluctant I was to return to the bleak mundane existence of my earthly life. Reflecting back on my early life I wondered how many moments or days of subjoin on earth in my mortal body had being truly happy.

I was now experiencing a continual sustained happiness beyond description together with unimaginable joy, peace and glory.

During my sojourn in these other realms, I went amongst the stars, saw their mighty glory and glorious multi-colored planets, and observed great beings than were countless million kilometers high?, which sailed on radiant light in the dark space that makes up most of the universe. I asked the infinite one if there was life in the universe and knew it was awash with life. Wave after wave of revelation swept through my whole being and the wonder and joy of it all was almost too much for me stand or comprehend.
 It was revealed to me then that our prime purpose for existing was to ever progress upwards through many dimensions towards the light of the ultimate absolute reality (which is God) while always retaining our blessed uniqueness.
In the end we will all merge with all things, restore harmony to creative existence. We would then still be ourselves but also have access to the infinite knowledge power and presence of the creator God as we finally withdraw once again into ourselves.
Then we will become co –creators able to create by the power of imagination, perception and thought.  I remember how my passed over mother had showed me that if she wanted a house of here liking she could "just think about it in detail and create it as a reality". Of course no one really needs homes to shelter us from the weather over there. Of course if we want to feel the wind upon our bodies we can produce this effect.
At first we might see people dressed or places just like one would expect them to be, but this is an initial illusion created to ease one slowly into the strange dimensions in the afterlife
Travel is also by thought both into the physical and ethereal dimensions of realities. Just think of a place or person and immediately you are there. This is both in the physical material universe and also through other realities, realms and dimensions, dark or light

Some of the future events coming to planet earth were revealed and shown to me. Humanity would have to migrate from planet earth into the universe, as the earth’s resources were finite. No nuclear holocaust would obliterate earth and the greatest threat was the population explosion.
In addition, "the future is not set in stone" and the decisions taken by a single person or a nation could alter the outcome of the future, for all humanity

The loss of moral absolutes was sadness to the Divine and the restoration of these was of paramount important if humankind was to escape join the rest of sentient beings in the vast universe.
All persons should not only believe but also know that all will ultimately have to account to the divine for what they have done while on their journey of life, as mere mortal beings while on planet earth.
I enquired as to  whether we similar experienced pleasures exist in the spiritual realm as we do with our mortal bodies while on earth such as, good food, mortal love touch, taste, smell, sight, sex, would this all be lost when we took on ethereal or spiritual bodies.. What about our friends, family, lovers, soul mates?
What about travel, homes etc, etc, etc what about boundaries of conduct was anything forbidden if sin was abolished? As there would no longer be evil or sin in heaven, everything would be permissible and we would be able to experience ecstasy, bliss and sublime joy as we mingle and merge completely with any one we wish.
Everything there is much much more intense, sustained and beautiful complete and wonderful than anything we could remotely liken to on the earthly plane. It is indeed very very exciting! Beyond the present imagination of any mortal (With some exceptions of course)
There a total mystical union with the divine will become the norm and unions between spirits Perhaps the greatest intense pleasurable ecstasy known to humanity was sex and something like this continues in the next life, but is much more, intense and euphoric .
There one is free to please and love each other by totally giving of our souls, spirits and minds in a merging of such unimaginable love that our present minds and bodies could not comprehend.  The ethereal or soul body exits at a much higher rate of vibration that it can, therefore, experience things that are impossible for the physical body
However the union with the Divine is something even more wonderful, unimaginable beautiful, sublimely, blessed, happy, glorious that no words yet formed in any earthly language could come remotely near describing this infinite love and bliss one can only receive from the "Divine Infinite"

 But one does not just go on existing in never ending bliss, No!! all must learn evolve and create their own realities. There are ceaseless challenges and no boredom unless one wants to be bored and stagnate. We can graduate upward or descend downward as we still have a free will in the afterlife
A process of continual learning takes place and an instant access and pooling of all knowledge by telepathy between all the minds in existence is possible. It is also possible to communicate in this manner with the simple innocent minds of our passed over beloved pets and all creatures big and small. We would have instant access to all our beloved ones, throughout creation, no matter how far they are from us, by these exciting new abilities. 
Wonderful is it not? Therefore, there is no such thing as separation, loneliness, tears, sorrow, and sickness and finally there is victory over death itself.
Are all beings no matter how depraved during physical life on dying go to this wonderful dimension life? No!!, absolutely not!  We would be constantly bombarded their dark thoughts (as the means of communication was telepathy) and heaven would become a hell .
So it is logical and obvious that God cannot permit this to happen. I had a feeling (I am not sure) the worst monstrous beings (and they are not all of human origin) might have their lives extinguished forever. This is the third death from which no one ever awakes
The book of life, which is contained as memories in the temporal lobe of our brain, are played off, like a video recording on death before us and God immediately upon death. It is much more vivid than any movie, one actually relives each moment again , feelings of regret, pain, joy, love, anger, hate love etc are more than remembered they are relived at rapid speed but strongly also in actual time, how this works I do not know!
This is called the life review by near death experiences. There is no judgment for most, just mild disproval an admonishment for the wrongs we have done in life.
But think about the life review of a base depraved being like Hitler, his life review would have been and is his own punishment
We feel the actual and joy subjectively and objectively of actions and events in life in this life review I think it is a sort of graduation? hopefully for me anyway!
In the life review we see the sort of live in the knock on effect of our good deeds all the way down into the vast network of life. And we also feel objectively the effects both good and bad of how our actions have effected and influenced other people.

The life review is played off at great speed like a movie fast forwarding at a speed to fast for the eye to follow. But unlike a movie we are part of the life review. The life review comes and goes in one blinding moment, but strangely we relive every moment of our lives so that we can learn from our mistakes. God can of course slow it down and make one relive an event over and over again.

God can if he likes, compress eternity in a one brief fleeting moment OR extend a moment into an eternity
One candle dispels the darkness. Anyone reading this testimony will definitely not be going into outer darkness but will inherit the
kingdom of God. The spirits of all animals will return to God from whence they had come God loves them dearly.

"The abuse of children will face the full wrath of God and it would be better for this type of person to have never been born"

It is awesome to ponder that the dimensions discussed in this testimony is only the first of many that the spirit/soul has to travel before finally merging and submerging with the "Infinite Almighty". We would then have the unbelievable of direct access to the infinite mind of God (Jacobs Ladder).
I as also showed much of what is unknown about our almost unimaginably beautiful physical universe. There are beings that sail for a better word across the vast oceans that we call space time, pushed by radiant energy on gossamer wings thousands of miles across..
There are other strange humanoid life forms so advanced from us that one could not get them to recognize me as a sentient being. Others were primitive, others almost totally like or earth but with minute differences. What we call matter is simply a wisp of smoke and I could rush through giant planets, which flashed be as rock, crystal, fire and again into the unimaginable void of the unifiers into the composite white light of SOURCE..  Our universe would at first appear as it reseeded as an infinite dark plane then become a huge black orb until it was just one black dot amongst the infinite other universe in the eternal now of existence. All interconnected molecules of one colossal gigantic cosmic body
The universe is awash with life, some so different from our own that they would not recognize us as living sentient beings and to us they would be great unmoving orbs. Some  move at such a different hugely faster rate than humans that they  would have to wait a thousands years of their years to observe the smallest movement, such as us lifting up an arms or taking a step
There are others that live so slowly compared to humans that they would appear to us like unmoving mountains
I hope this is of interest?
To them we are like flashing sparks of electrons, exist and gone. Some of those beings have being observing our world for millions of years and the only real change they see is the huge continental drifts

Indeed the creation of our glorious universe was an intelligent act of omnificent unimaginable indescribable beauty.


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© 2009 Alan Grant McDougall. All rights reserved

The Journey of my soul

Hi, I repost this for newbies that might not have read it

Altered states of consciousness

Greetings people

Recalling experiences that I have had during extreme altered state of consciousness (not drug induced) I was aware of the intensity of colors, that blazed in living harmonious vibrations. Everything sang and I could hear and fell the caress of the sound of smell the taste of music and colors beyond present perception.

I knew then that I had never come remotely close to knowing what an almost infinite precise instrument my whole body really was. It is not only the brain that perceives reality; each cell is individual aware parts of my body. It was possible to switch to seeing with my ears, tasting with my eyes, listening with my sense of taste, smell and feel. Every atom of you physical body harmonizes together, as an intelligent member of your composite living being.

We have never learned how to utilize the amazing sensory organ that is our entire body. In this state of awareness I could stand still and hear the chirp of a billion birds which I knew was quantum particle flashing in the mind of God. They sing the song of existence and creation and we are deaf to their beautiful song and its real meaning. I became both the creator and the creation

People became open books to me and I had to close my mind against the cacophony of meaningless babble, until I could filter it out and hear the beauty of glorious minds all around me, both human and animal. I had to retreat in shock and horror from the dark bleakness that sometimes entered my mind. And learn to accept and embrace all that is beautiful and loving about our beautiful blue water planet and the unimaginable wonder of the universe and the super universe from out of which it was born.

My body, mind, soul and spirit as stilled my inner being to really hear, feel, see taste smell and merge with the Super consciousness, began to expand in such unimaginable exhilaration that my finite mind and self embraced all of existence and I saw and understood everything just like god did. My ego was gone and I could no longer separate my awareness and personality than from god himself. Indeed I had for all purposes amalgamated with and become god.

In what we call our normal waking state we are really sleeping in a dormant hibernating like way. But with practice one can awaken to a much greater degree of sensitivity than is the norm for many of us. I have always been extremely psychic all my life and nothing like the money grabbing frauds one finds now giving false reading all over the internet. What I perceive is true and I can prove it if you like, Remote viewing, telepathy, and observing future and past events. Profound Near death events and out of body phenomenon  

I have also plunged the depths of darkness’, despair desolation and for anyone to tell me there is a hell worse than this in a great offence to me. I saw hell and heaven.

But maybe we must travel through the dark valleys of utter hopeless like I did; to really relish and savor the unbelievable glory that awaits us. Before we exit this life we should have reached a place of contentment, peace and love.

Once perfected the transition into other dimensions, parallel universes becomes easy and smooth exciting a wonder beyond word

Like a great ceaseless holiday that embraces so much beautiful unknowns that the mind is filled with the essences and fragrances of new lands, planets and universes, both physical and spiritual way out beyond any wildest speculations of our usual mundane earthly life

I hope this little essay is of interest. This in based on actual events and experiences that are as real as your own body and mind

By Alan McDougall

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© 2009 Alan Grant McDougall. All rights reserved


Below are a little few words my idea of the God of my understanding


Aware of infinite potential in vast unploughed fields of nothing, I strode with great beams of cosmic light toward the infinite horizon of eternity, sowing seeds of existence before the timeless moment of creation. I am the boundless Mind, Original Self-Awareness the cause of everything, relative to nothing I am “This”.


 On the panorama of bleak blackness, I AM “The Absolute”, sowing universal energy. Reality was my aim and the beauty of my achievement. Illuminating the darkness with beams of dazzling radiant glory was the first event of reason. I formulated in my mind the first numbers and called them “Zero” and “One”,


With the simplicities and realities of the fundamentals of’ “one, and ‘zero”, “I made everything”. I am the Prime Mover and there was no proponent to my “First Cause”. I am the “Immovable Rock” and the” Alpha point”. I took these first numbers and weaved them into the fabric of the reality, creating all the limitless universes on the infinite timeless foam of nothing, which now makes all up existence. Indeed, I am the Almighty One. If you are, wise.


I am the creator of the totality of all existence known by many names and titles but you must all refer to be by the title that can never be confused by anyone. Call me The “Almighty One.



I AM the Ceaseless Creator of all things



I am the encompasser and enfold all things within the substance of my being. Resonating with profound unfathomable vibrations, creation trembles at the passing of my presence.


I am the stalker of the soul, the defeater of death. I am supreme and take the abstract, and convert it into concrete matter.


I dwell in the breath of my life, which is composite bright light, looking with delight upon the beauty of the garden of my creation, sparkling out of the darkness of infinite universes.


I am well pleased with my endeavors and set the clock of time to run for eternity.


I am the winder of the watch of creation.


I set it to run













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© 2009 Alan Grant McDougall. All rights reserved

The mystery and illusion that is Time

Nothing is as it seems to be and all things are subjective realties to
the observer. Everything is relative to each person from the viewpoint
of the only ultimate reality the First Cause, Ultimate, Divine Mind.  
There is no absolute time, time moves differently from one object to
the next and in one location to the next.  
For example, time moves slower on massive objects like the Sun or Jupiter and faster on
smaller objects like our Earth. It moves even minutely faster in
space. This is no longer a theory, but proven fact. Extremely accurate
precision atomic clocks on fast moving spacecraft have detected this
strange phenomenon and proven Einstein's theory of relativity to be


Stop all the clocks in the universe and movement will continue


Stop all movement and the illusion we call time will stop
and nothing ever happen again, unless Source again allows movement to
begin again.  
Time within the physical universe time is elastic in one direction only namely; into a
future moment. The twin paradox describes what happens. One twin
boards a spacecraft traveling close to the speed of light, on a voyage
for Alpha Centauri, some four light years from earth. Ten years he
returns having aged only one year compared to his now twenty-year-
older twin brother. An enigmatic paradox but absolutely true and real.  

One exciting, but far distant use of this effect is the real
possibility of reaching any moment in the future. Given enough speed,
one could reach the Olympic Games of the year 2108, in a matter of a
few subjective days.


Backward times travel to the past, is a fantasy
and if this were possible, a person could do the impossible and go
back and murder their younger self. There is no universal now!  Events
are simply there, hanging in space-time Time cannot exist without
space and space cannot exist without time.

We only perceive the concept of “time” the movement of an object through space,

Accordingly space and time are different realities of the same thing and one cannot and

Only exist where movement is allowed


For example, stop all movement in the universe
and you have stopped time, have you not? Therefore, these three things
are one "spacetimemovement””" reality". There is simply no universal now and
each moment is unique to the observer. God, however, observes our
reality, like unraveled frames of a movie story, depicting the life
of the universe, from its birth until its demise like separate
billions of moments, recorded on each frame of the film of existence.  
Time” is an illusion, a purely human construct of mankind, designed for convenience in order to measure a perceived “past”, “present” and “future”. The illusion of “time” on Earth is maintained by means of a scientific measurement of the relative positions of the Earth and the Sun in the physical three dimensional Universe in order to observe the seasons and the time the Earth takes for a complete rotation relative to the Sun in the measurement of ongoing “time”, in turn measured by various physical instruments such as clocks, calendars and charts.  
Beyond the perceptions of most of those in the physical world, “time” simply does not exist. There is only Now, the Eternal Now where everything that has happened, is happening and ever will happen relative to the Earth concept of time already exists, always has existed and always will exist. Beyond Earth therefore the concepts of “past, present and future” simply do not and cannot exist.  
The entire Universe from The Source, The First Cause, God is Energy vibrating at a frequency relative to The Source, The Source being the very centre of the Universe of Energy and the physical world being the outermost shell, the physical three dimensional Universe as observed by means of the physical senses and by science, existing at the lowest rate of vibration and the highest density. It should also be mentioned that the physical Universe of matter represents only a tiny fraction of the Universe of Energy and vibration in its entirety.  

All Energy is influenced by the causation of thought before configuring under the influence of that thought, manifesting as an observable effect in the plane at which the thought originated. Everything that happens, ever happened and ever will happen in the entire Universe therefore, including the physical world, first originated as a thought originating from the Mind of a Being, and which thought in turn has its corresponding effect on the Energy of the Causal Spheres of the Universe while becoming the corresponding and potentially observable effect.  
The Ultimate act of Creation by The First Cause, The Source, God of the entire Universe in all of its glorious spheres, planes and dimensions originated in the very beginning as a thought in the Mind of God. It can be truly said therefore that we all exist as “expressions”, within the Mind of God, made in the true Spiritual image of God.  
 Since the beginning of the human concept of “time” mankind has sought to live life based around that concept, thereby always thinking in terms of past present and future rather than Now. The Universe and the Energy we influence in the creation of our own individual realities have no concept of time, only Now, and as a result there is a no past or future irrespective of how much mankind forces his own existence around those erroneous notions. This tendency to force everything to happen in compliance with a notional concept of “time” has a very profound effect on the lives of those who do not fully understand these realities.  
When a person thinks in the future tense, for example ” I will”, “I want”, “I could” then the Energy being influenced by those thoughts that can manifest into individual reality will be influenced only in the Now, with the perceived future never actually arriving.  
So if someone thinks, says or behaves in a manner that implies “I want”, then that person is placing themselves into a perpetual state of “wanting” but never of actually receiving. The vast majority of the human race today exists to some extent in a state of such wanting, while never being in a state of Mind, Energy and vibration to receive that which they “want”.  

Author Alan McDougall

Contact details =


gstranger98@gmail .com

© 2009 Alan Grant McDougall. All rights reserved

Hi, All,


I have gone to many places walked on the great grass prairies, and steps, mountains of wonder stood at the north of Scotland with the icy North Sea blowing on my body. I saw the earth in its blue beauty and rose up. I have walked on monochrome moons and seen with mind sight blazing clouds of light and felt huge translucent beings flow through me awareness as I hovered somewhere in the deep void.


 I have heard the vibrations beautiful music of the universe, as the stars blaze in glorious song praising god across vast space. My mind overcome with the beauty wept, as I then knew that each living being was an essential building block a brick that holds up the fabric of reality and existence. Merged in blissful everlasting union with the sublime and all living beings become one “titanic cosmic mind” I felt and knew “GOD”. “I am god” “I am infinite” “I am all” yet I remain “myself”. I have seen cities of pure composite light traveled and at the speed of infinity exiting the universe until it became a tiny dot in the utter vastness of the googolplex other different universes.


I have watched in breathless awe at the beauty and wonder of great beings of absolute purity who roam the great oceans of space on great gossamer wings stretching a million miles between their glittering with tips. Were these the great messengers the Angels of God?


I have seen beings that only make one move in a million years and do not know we exist. Others entities existing for one tiny infinitesimal moment and vanishing before we ever notice they exist. But in their realities their life spans are just as complex protracted and full as ours.


Then blazing into the “Super Mother Universe” I observed the awesome gold light infinite of the “Source of it all” and, could not comprehend the unimaginable beauty of the “Original Mind”, and “Original Thought” that created existence. We sang together the music of the orbs that we had become, now we were indestructible energy. Strange as it would be without the eternal the eternal, "I" and the eternal "YOU" there would be nothing at all. Back then we created all that there is


This was not the end but only the beginning in the everlasting progressions of existence, we all merged in the eternal moment singing the great song of creation. We are together now back we are god and we are we nothing is hidden everything is possible rejoice for we are infinity eternal beautiful as we formulate a new existence more wonderful than the first


I am  Ceaseless Creator


But really I AM







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© 2009 Alan Grant McDougall. All rights reserved


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What comes after we die and what exists outside of present human knowledge and understanding


Such as is there life in our physical universe? Are there other material universes? And are there non physical planes and dimensions where our souls continue to exist??


Note; I have my own deep personal belief about God and I am a committed Christian, but this document based on my mystical, altered states, coma and near death experiences.


Thus I do not refer to Jesus Christ or any other enlightened soul as my purpose is reveal the mysteries beyond life and not to convert anyone to my own personal religious convictions


A lot of what I detail comes from a sort of innate knowledge about what exists out side and beyond, what we know in normal earthly life, if you like, take it as a story, but is subjectively true


The chapter below was God speaking about creation and existence, and not part of the essay, just included for those interested in philosophy about how everything came to be.


God Spoke these words to me one night
Aware of infinite potential in vast unploughed fields of nothing, I strode with great beams of cosmic light toward the infinite horizon of eternity, sowing seeds of existence before the timeless moment of creation. I am the boundless Mind, Original Self-Awareness the cause of everything, relative to nothing I am “This”.


 On the panorama of bleak blackness, I AM “The Absolute”, sowing universal energy. Reality was my aim and the beauty of my achievement. Illuminating the darkness with beams of dazzling radiant glory was the first event of reason. I formulated in my mind the first numbers and called them “Zero” and “One”,


With the simplicities and realities of the fundamentals of’ “one, and ‘zero”, “I made everything”. I am the Prime Mover and there was no proponent to my “First Cause”. I am the “Immovable Rock” and the” Alpha point”. I took these first numbers and weaved them into the fabric of the reality, creating all the limitless universes on the infinite timeless foam of nothing, which now makes all up existence. Indeed, I am the Almighty One. If you are, wise.


I am the creator of the totality of all existence known by many names and titles but you must all refer to be by the title that can never be confused by anyone. Call me The “Almighty One.



I AM the Ceaseless Creator of all things








From the time I was a little boy I knew things and saw things that other people did not and everyone thought of me as a strange and enigmatic boy and they still do people. I perplexed my parents teachers etc, I often thought why did my parents only greet the people that came through the front door but ignored the lovely people that walked into the house through the walls etc, I consider myself more as a mystic than a psychic.


10th DECEMBER, 2008


Other people who have had near death experiences have asked me why they differ from person to person, and it is all about subjective perception, comprehension and how long, detailed and profound the events are. People are unique and therefore each have unique experiences, not all people go to the same place or to the same time in the uncountable other dimensions , heavens and realms out far in the universe and beyond.


And of course there is the factor of the skill of the writer or lack of skill and how good or bad their recall is


While I did not have the tunnel experience I had a partial life review and saw both beautiful episodes of my life as well as regretful, embarrassing ones. I did not desire a experience based on my religious doctrination or in fact any other religious dogma, therefore, in this testimony there is no mention of salvation by any means and beliefs like reincarnation and karma are not addressed.


One early morning while all was still dark I awoke in that state between sleep and wake and the boundaries between my physical self and everything physical around me began to dissolve. Quietness like a soft warm comforting peaceful blanket descended on my sleeping body and mind. I could hear in the background the sweet song of birds softly singing birds and somehow knew their wonderful beautiful voices were in absolute harmony and somehow were reflected the electrons darting in the mind of the Infinite One. Outside leaves rustled in the autumn night and although still indoors on my bed, I could somehow feel the breeze against my skin and the wonderful scent of grass and the fragrances of flowers that permeated the earth.


I became energy left my body and arose above the earth to where the blue became black and looked down upon the earth from the wonder of the glory of the infinite night. I found myself in the presents of a being who appeared to me to be a pulsating “ORB” similar to my state of being then, but much brighter and more energetic. At this time I thought this being might be God.


I had become a bright point “singularity a point of intelligent thinking light” within a Greater Light (Being of Light) that now embraced me and revealed to me later, mind to mind, some things relating to the afterlife, the planet earth and the universe. This Being was the one who communicated with me and took me on the journey into the unknown realms later.


I found myself looking down upon the earth, as if I were viewing it from a port hole of a space ship. The earth was revolving very quickly and stopping over each country, where a stern warning was given to each leader. At first I thought that the "Being of Light" that embraced my essence was God, but found out from him that he was a great angel, with an important message to humanity. At this stage I did not have an ethereal body, just a point of light or a singularity of intense thought. The Being was a beautiful pulsating ORB of colors pure energy.


As we hovered in space above the earth began to revolve and began to stop over each country or continent with some sort of a warning, the great being kept repeating, “Mere Mortal Man”, “I am not well pleased with you”.  I especially remember vividly, when we were hovering over the Asian continent, looking down at India and the regions around it, that some great trouble would come from oceans and effect the Indian subcontinent terribly. I can now only remember a little what was being conveyed to humanity. Later I began to remembered more and these some of these warnings have already come to pass namely; the great tsunami of 2004, hurricane Katrina and the awful cyclone that hit Burma during 2008, these are just a few events that have come to pass amongst many still to come in the future.


The warning to mankind is condensed into the short poem below;



Oh!!, beautiful planet earth!!! why? why? why?


Oh terra, terra, terra! I have loved you so,
           And sown your golden fields
                     With my songs of peace


I died to hear the music you should know
        By now...the song to bid your
            Surging cease.


‘Why, terra did you turn to hate?
         Your blue and earthen hope
             Of joy with greed
                       On your restless need for
                               Death and war


Then we left the solar system and raced through the physical universe at limitless almost infinite speed. I  was perplexed why there was no need for breathing, and became aware that I became aware that I had now an ethereal body similar to my physical body, but this body did not need to breath and was impervious to heat or the physical fundamental laws of our universe. This body of beauty shimmered in translucent blue, purple and amethyst.


One event clearly recalled was flying through an enormous planet that was floating in the great void alone in the dark with no sun warming its cold bleak black surface. I saw this huge planet approaching at colossal speed and passed right through it as if they no more than a light mist. Oceans, mantel, magma, crystals rock, and a boiling centre flashed by  and we continued at colossal speed out of the other side through and beyond our huge galaxy and faster and faster into the vastness of the universe. It was just like some greatly speeded up movie.


 I also recall passing through huge great suns stars and galaxies of blazing glory, observing them, somehow, as we flashed though in an infinitesimal moment. Think of TV Sci Fi where they flash though the universe at warp speed, it was something like that, but without a spaceship, stars, galaxies, clouds of cosmic dust pulsating light of magnetic energy. I was not bound to my physical body’s visual spectrum, but could view the universe in all spectrums, from microwave to infra red and more. The ethereal eye is hugely more sensitive than the physical eye and one could peer much deeper into the universe than even the greatest earthly telescope. Try to image this of course is impossible? Instead of space being black, with this heightened sense of vision, the universe lit up with a billion, trillion ever changing colors of breathtaking beauty.


The journey continued as billions of galaxies came and went and somehow, due to our huge unimaginable speed, time itself began to reverse, we were not only on a journey to “somewhere”, we were on a journey to “somewhen”. This “somewhen” was back before the big bang, into the primordial primeval void of zero point energy. “God is the Great Mathematician”, “the Great Scientist” and “the Compassionate Eternal One”


Exploding out of our universe, it began to recede at a colossal rate, first becoming an enormous dark plane, a sort of flat surface. (Like the earth appears to us when we view it from a little height).  This  beautiful plane , or surface or edge of the universe (of course in reality the universe has no edge or surface just my semantics) twinkled with brilliant a billion trillion multicolored pulsating aurora borealis like lights, unimaginably beautiful.


Further and further we raced, until our entire universe started to become a huge orb, then a huge globe until it was only a tiny spot a small singularity. Amongst the eternal infinite foam of numberless other realities, and physical universes that reside it this blazing white light that is the breath of God. I relate this of course in the dimness of my limited mind as these things are unexplainable in human terms or languages.


This light of purest white was limitless, boundless, infinite in any direction, it is where the “Spirit of God is so concentrated and hugely unimaginable pure holy and intense that one could vanish from existence if one tried to enter without permission.


 If we remember the “Lords Prayer”, Our “Father” who art in “HEAVEN”, this in the domain if you like where the presence of God is all most tangible, the highest state of pure inexhaustibly indestructible energy it is were God lives, this might seem an oxymoron , that God is also omnipresent, but here his is inconceivable.” In my “Fathers House” are many mansions.  It is the “Great Ocean” of all Existence the source of all creation, and all the great rivers of life flow into it. It is the experience that millions of mystics over time have tried to obtain , but all in vain , no matter what they claim.


Hovering quietly, in the Infinite Sacred silence blanketed by the peace and love of this purest stillness of holy white light I wondered and then enquired as to where we where? In my inner self I knew it could only be what, I heard a voiceless voice was saying to me, “you are standing in the “Breath of God” also called the “Holy Spirit”


We were in a place of pure composite white light outside of normal material space and time, into ethereal realms and higher dimensions of living



Suddenly and I was no longer aware of where I was until a warm golden light encompassed me about and I knew I was in that eternal place outside time or space. Indeed, I now dwelt in the everlasting infinite moment. Marvelous extraordinary insights flashed into my mind and I was able with a new godlike understanding to comprehend all knowledge. I seemed to know all the mysteries of existence, just as if I were God. It was clear to me then that the universe was mostly good and that evil will never prevail against the light. Beautifully interconnectiveness into one glorious harmony whole is the final aim of our universe. “This is still a work in progress”. Evil was allowed in the physical realms so that people can use their free will to love God and their fellow beings as they love themselves


I felt the warmth of the eternal fire, within the spirit of my being and I was filled by it with a sustained sense of exultation, immense joy, peace, rapture and sublime bliss. My awareness or consciousness expanding until it encompassed the entire universe and all existence. While I knew I was not God, and that I was only bright tiny facet of the unimaginably beautiful diamond that we call God. It was like riding on the shoulders of God ,looking out at the universe with his eyes and understanding everything from time immemorial, to the present, into the unimaginable far future. Everything at once in an instant, but also through all of eternity, both somehow, at once.  Time became meaningless and did dot flow in the linear way it did in the physical realms.


An intellectual illumination beyond any description overflowed my mind and. I knew then that the will of Gods was for all humanity to be immortal and possessed eternal life. “Death was not the natural order of Gods creation” and this mystery of life, death and evil remain a mystery. The crucial plan of the universe was for the good of all that dwelt within its brilliant unimaginable beautiful wonderful and vast golden glorious boarders.


The heavens declared the glory of Gods handiwork and his creation is so wonderful that I have no words in the English language to describe it. Our mortal bodies are wonderfully knit together a work of infinite precision and meticulous creativity by the awesome intellect of God, and our human brain a prime example of the infinite mind of God. Our mortal bodies, however, are not in the image of God. It is our spirit or soul that mirrors his image and thus God made man to think like Him be it in a lesser way. God Imagined man (imagine-man.)


 The concept of time vanished and I seem to exist in an everlasting moment. The physical universe was indeed a most precious jewel in the mind of God. God created time, he is the Timekeeper if you like, he has a sort of a stop watch, starting at the Alpha moment and stopping at the Omega moment, the Beginning and End. I saw in my “minds eye” a huge clock. Something like a doomsday clock, it had only a second hand and this hand was turning towards the top of the hour, but it would advance clockwise and reverse anticlockwise, some times advancing fifteen seconds and retreating ten, why I think when the second hand finally reaches the top of the hour something catastrophic and cataclysmic is going to happen?


The greatest emotion there was the feeling of unconditional all encompassing eternal love by our Creator combined with all the joyful beings of goodness and light in this everlasting pure domain of light and life. Every living thing is important to God, not only human souls are loved by God. God also loves animals and their souls return to him when they die.  We sang there all together in perfect harmony the creation song of Gods existence and eternal mystery. Plants are living things and have great group mind and souls as do the fishes of the sea, and plankton. The great whales have highly advanced minds and souls and they are also beings that God blessed when he created our earth. There is a pet heaven, where all or beloved pets frolic joyfully, just waiting for us to join them. The little minds and souls do not comprehend all our thoughts, but we can communicate with telepathy, just like we will do with other human souls in heaven.


My soul awareness or consciousness expanded until it filled the whole universe and beyond and in this “brief” glorious moment I became everything, I was “Infinite Existence”
This timeless reality was so very much more real than the three-dimensional reality we experience on earth. In this state, my mind was clear as crystal, I could feel an incredible energy and power coursing through me in this new wonderful indescribable time place. There seem to be nothing but a sense of knowing, being and loving. A strange thing was that in this dimension one could alternate between the subjective and objective anytime at will .Oh! How my soul delighted then and how reluctant I was to return to the bleak mundane existence of my earthly life. Reflecting back on my early life I wondered how many moments or days of subjoin on earth in my mortal body had being truly happy. We never experience the joy of this no happiness, while on earth with mortal bodies.


Was this death? No it was brilliant exhilarating living; I was alive in a sense that I have never being I had become one vital aspect in the great all of existence. An inexpressible interconnectedness to wonderful a mysterious and loving oneness but always retaining my own precious unique identity


Was I now in the Land of the Dead?, no I had left that behind there was no need to kill and consume other living things, energy was constant the arrow of time did not move there was no entropy and the battery energizing my soul was full of inexhaustible energy my new  form a body of “eternal light” Communication between beings also use this light by, changing, and merging and flashing lights towards other souls in a beauty of “light talking”


The ethereal body has all senses of the material body and more, indeed there are many additional senses, that must be learned when we pass over. I could hear, smell, feel, sleep and even eat juicy apples, but one does not need to eat to get energy. I looked carefully at this body it was formed outwardly like the physical body, but semi translucent and shimmering in concert with the emotions I was feeling, something a ghostly chameleon.
The experience of merging with the light of God is like having your body explode in a pleasant way and becoming a million different atoms. Each atom can think its own thoughts and have its own feelings. You feel all at once what it feels like to be everything and everybody
Suddenly, we burst into another light dimension, outside the physical dimensions, into the ethereal realms of a whole new reality. There I saw a strange world with no sun or stars in the sky, just pulsating lights in the myriads of colors not known indeed impossible spectrums the physical eyes I thought this is the  “ City Of God”  and is it  lit up and sustained by his by his light.
At first sight this strange world appeared similar to our physical earth, but, in this higher vibration, more colorful, more beautiful, more amazing. I saw plants, trees, mountains, lakes, animals, and shimmering crystal-like buildings, some very large and ornate. I saw beings moving about, light beings, going about their daily lives. They don't have physical bodies like us, but they are distinct translucent fields of energy, they have the ability to alter their outer appearance and take on the form of a human physical body, but they remain translucent and shimmering in appearance. They don't walk, they float. They have lives much like ours, but without the struggles and sorrows. There are artists, musicians, dancers, singers, inventors, builders, healers, creators of miraculous things; co-creators with Gods beautiful inexhaustible energy. Indeed this place was close to the Christian concept of heaven.


I wondered why this world appeared at first hand looked so much like our earthly reality, albeit more beautiful. The answer it that when a person dies especially suddenly if they were to awaken on the other side and see it as it really is, just orbs of light shape shifting, atoms and fundamental particles coming together and parting lights flashing, they will be frightened and confused out of their mind. So they are slowly eased into these new dimensions, the first heaven almost a copy of a beautiful earth with which they are familiar and as these souls learn and evolve they are prepared for the next realm without any shock to their psyche.


Children of various ages were all around playing joyfully, people aged to about perfect maturity and stopped, although different, there did not seem to differ by race or color as we do on earth. Children who pass over to heaven take on the same age they had at the time of their dying and then continue to grow or a better word mature until the reach the point of perfection Every person was made out of translucent light, and the light from each person constantly changes, later I found out this was one method of communication.
We stopped off on this world and I found myself in a beautiful translucent marble like building with many beautiful pillars something like the Geek Parthenon, many beings were milling about, was it a sort of a weigh station or great library or meeting place or place to congregate for special celebrations or events. I think it was there for all these reasons.
I thought about abortion and knew God understands if the woman has been violated soul of, the potential human baby just returns to God. God frowns on anyone aborting for selfish reasons, this is murder. A soul enters the mother’s womb at the very moment of conception and not at three to six weeks as many people think. Many of the scenes places and angelic beings were the same ones I could so easily see as a child, I had a sort of mystical eye and could see through portals and vortexes a little boy, but I lost most of this when I became an adult.


Was it possible to see God, yes God can manifest an aspect of his greater Being to us, and what I saw was inconceivably, unspeakably, awesome a huge “Orb” of ever-changing lights flashing through a trillion billion spectrums, frightening and awesome in its  beauty and the best word I can find to define what I saw was “MAJESTIC”.
 This time fragment or aspect of the Infinite Divine God, was like a great golden sun with thousands of planets revolved around him all in the same orbit. Who populated these worlds and what the purpose? I do not know, but I will find out when I pass into glory forever. Of course God is not confined to that one place but it seemed to be something like the Holy Of Holies in the Hebrew Temple. Could I have access to this place?


This made me really think about what of significance I had done during my life. Then I remembered my wife, children grandchildren, parents, siblings, relatives , friends and all the learning and wisdom I had gained in my short existence in this earthly dimension and it all had meaning and purpose and I knew I had not lived in vain, but will leave behind a legacy of love when I die.
To us our universe is supposedly 15 billion years old, but in the mind of God the Infinite Eternal, it has only existed for a tiny moment a blink in his great eyes.
The light of God was golden like the setting or rising sun out of it flowing out from the infinite mind of God, who is the Life and cause of existence. I heard him speaking to me and everything flashed in and out of my mind by this huge voiceless voice that filled all existence with the primordial energy. It was the most beautiful music of God that sustains the universe. GOD is the vibrations of all existence



 I remembered the Bible Isaiah stating the Lion will eat grass and a little child will lead him, the wolf will lay down with the lamb , there will no longer be death sorrow or loneness, and every tear will be wiped clear and people will sing with angels and God will join in with his awesome mighty voice of infinite beauty, filling all of existence and his voice will banish evil, fear and suffering forever. His voice is the voice of “LIFE”


“There a total mystical union with the divine” The norm is the union between multiple souls or between similar souls. Perhaps the greatest physical ecstasy known to humanity is sex and “something like this continues in the next life” but it is always based on love as no lust exists in the afterlife. It in like really getting inside the totally of another welcoming being. Like minds and souls join in glorious revolving mandala’s of ever changing lights a glory of intense euphoric “Oneness”. Of course ere is fun and games in heaven, heaven is not about labor but about living in love and peace


 In heaven, we are free to enjoy each other by totally giving of our souls, spirits and minds in true altruistic (unselfish) love, a merging of such unimaginable wonder, that our present minds and bodies could not comprehend it.


However, the union with the God is the place of infinite love and light, is beyond description in its wonder. Does everyone just enter there no? The doorkeeper to God and union with him is the “Great Prince of Peace”




I continued to experiencing sustained sense of vibrant happiness beyond description together with unimaginable joy, peace and glory.


Thinking about this state of blissful rapture later I realized that God would not let souls continually remain in this state of bliss, as life, learning and purpose continues after we die and leave the earth. Death is not the end of life but the doorway into endless life



 These is no such thing as boredom, because a process of continual learning and hopefully graduation to higher heavens  There is an instant access and pooling of all knowledge by telepathy between all the minds in the universe, but of course even in heaven privacy is respected. In addition, it is possible to communicate in this manner with the simple innocent minds of our passed over beloved pets and all creatures big and small. More in feelings of love, appreciation and emotion than words.


 By telepathy, teleportation, etc we will have instant access to all our beloved ones, throughout creation, no matter how far they are from us, by this exiting means. Wonderful is it not? Therefore, there is no such thing as separation, loneliness, tears, sorrow, and sickness and finally there is victory over death itself. Just think of where you want to go or who you want to be with and you are there. The use of the terms telepathy and teleportation are not really correct but the nearest words ii can find. In reality there is no such thing as remoteness or distant just billions of portals, doorways into parallel existences. With otherworldly eyes these doorways can be seen and we learn how to use them, like some huge underground rail road system.


 From heaven we are able to hear in our minds the sorrow of loved ones still on earth who can not come to terms or understand or sometimes unexpected death. So” if we want to” one can make an effort to contact our loved ones still on earth by entering their dreams, thoughts, making them sense our presence, in various ways such as a flower, feather , smell or, even fragrances. That, hopefully make them aware, although feeling that we are far away, in reality we are  just a hand stretch away.


There are specially gifted people on earth that can pick up our thoughts thought from the heavenly planes and relay them to the grieving relatives or friends.  When we are in heaven we can also make people on earth meet each other so any urgent message from heaven is given to the correct person. This might seem just a coincidence at the time, but this link is arranged from the heavenly realms


Would all humanity no matter how depraved and evil in life on death go to these higher beautiful heavily planes immediately after their demise? No, absolutely not!  Even in heaven there are conditions and accountability.


 If this was what happens in heaven one would be constantly bombarded by evil thoughts (as the means of communication was telepathy) and heaven would become a most unheavenly place. So it is logical and obviously that God cannot permit this to happen.  Yes evil monstrous beings such as Hitler and his type are cast into outer darkness, as the darkness of true evil can never ever penetrate the light of God. The book of life, which is contained as memories in the temporal lobe of our brain, are played off, like a video recording on death before God. This is called the life review by near death experiences. Imagine the life review of a person like Hitler?


 Are there  similar experiences or pleasures exist in the spiritual realm as we do with our mortal bodies while on earth such as, good food, mortal love touch, taste, smell, sight, sex, would this all be lost when we took on ethereal or spiritual bodies? What about our friends, family, lovers, soul mates, travel, homes etc, etc, etc what about boundaries of conduct was anything forbidden if sin was abolished??



 The reply came in a revelation that because there would no longer be evil or sin in the heavenly realms, as we progress, learn and become wiser, we are given increasing free will until at the highest vibratory level of purest perfection we are given absolute free will and everything becomes permissible. The pleasures of Carnality do not exist but a similar soul pleasures ruled by altruist love is wonderfully experienced. Then we will be able to experience anything we desire such as controlled ecstasy, bliss and sublime joy, by mingling in love, merging completely into a cosmic mind to enjoy and relish eternal life with God and all other beings of composite white light. 


 Everything there is much much more intense, sustained and beautiful complete and wonderful than anything we could remotely liken to on the earthly plane. It is indeed very very exiting! Totally beyond what I had imagined. Grass, trees, flowers, plants are not subject to death and everything is made out of this translucent light. All living things are not biological but made out of inexhaustible indestructible energy.



Here time as we know it did not exist, one could rest in a moment or for a thousand years, or coexist in multiple moments at the same time, past, present and future , all existing somehow like a great multi-dimensional movie, all the frames unraveled into which one could jump from frame to frame, in and out of at will. Distance is meaningless as billions of higher or lower realms or planes were only separated by thin veil vortex or port into another reality. Each new dimension was another new universe.



 As wave after wave of revelation swept through my whole being the wonder and joy of it all was almost too much for me stand or comprehend. I knew the will of God for existing was to ever progress upwards through many dimensions (heavens) towards the light of the ultimate absolute reality (which is God) while always retaining our blessed uniqueness. We would then still be ourselves but also have access to the infinite knowledge power and presence of the creator God as we finally withdraw once again into ourselves. It is a matter of progression or regression and this depends on each soul.


I heard the soft voice (God) speaking directly into my mind some of  the deepest mysteries of existence and creation. Much to my disappointment I could only recall a little, but what I recall I have included in this document. As the years have past I have slowly remembered more and more, but of course there are simply revelations so profound that my human brain could never contain them.


There are angels great and less great, they are beings of light that inhabit all of Gods creation. Just like earthly people they have different characters and each is assigned a task. Sometimes they come to gather in a huge crown of glowing billions , singing the praises of God in a heavily chorus of unimaginable beauty. Their songs of joy and peace  reverberate out into the universe giving life and love where it is needed.


Each person of good character has their own guardian angel, which most of us are not aware of. They are the messengers to humanity bringing word of encouragement as well as warning when necessary. If you want to know the name of your angel clear your mind, and then ask your angel, what is your name? The very first name that popped into your mind is the name of your angel. Think about events in your life when you were helped by some stranger, who appeared as a normal person, this could have being your angel helping you. Intuitions  to go somewhere or not go  somewhere, unease about something are  often strong prompting from your angels . There might at times be as many angels walking on earth as there are people. Angels can take on any form, if your idea of an angel is of a huge majestic being with great wings, your angel might manifest himself/herself  to you like that. Angels do not really have gender like humans.


Some of the future events coming to planet earth were revealed and shown to me. Humanity would have to migrate from planet earth into the universe, as the earth’s resources were finite. No nuclear holocaust would obliterate earth and the greatest threat was the population explosion. In addition, the future was not set in stone and the divisions taken by a person or a nation could alter the outcome of the future.


The highest attribute any person can have is wisdom and the wisdom to do things wisely. Graceful love must abounding the joyful realities of multiple heavenly glories.


There is a time coming when God will intervene in the affairs of humanity and the great monotheistic religions have belief about this that borders on the truth of what is going to happen. Deep down we all know humanity cannot continue much longer on the path of destruction it now follows


The future only needs one good person to make a colossal difference towards the ultimate good of humanity. The reverse is unfortunately also the case and this might be the explanation for the enigma for the existence of evil. Although our heritage is very important to us all it is much more important to leave a positive legacy.


The loss of moral absolutes was sadness to the divine and the restoration of these was of paramount important if humankind was to escape extinction. All persons should know they will ultimately have to account to the divine for what they have done while on their journey of life, as mere mortal beings while on planet earth. In the end, however, good will prevail in the universe and evil banished into outer darkness forever. The mystery of evil was an inscrutable mystery beyond the understanding of any person. All things process or regress, in cycles of spiritual learning and metamorphosis towards the light.


The universe is not infinite or eternal, it is a creation of God the work of the sublime intellect beyond human comprehension. It had a beginning and it will have and end


Our physical earthly realm is a bleak shadow when compared even to the least beautiful heavens.  But our physical earthly reality is unimaginably beautiful when compared to some cold dark planes These entities residing in these lower realms have their free will restricted to a greater and greater degree as one descend into the abysmal dark of the lowest realm , which we call hell. At these lower dimensions time moves slower and increasingly slower the lower the realm, indeed time is the enemy there and each moment is stretched out. At the lowest in the abysmal thick cold I could feel an entity of horrifying evil, this being seemed to consist of black tar. Whatever it was it was not of human origin.




 The words of my childhood “Look upon a falling star and make a wish came into my mind, and in the ethereal realms this is factual, but there is no need to wait for a star to fall, wish what you want or think carefully and you create it with your mind. Want to go somewhere or see someone, wish for it and you are there with them.  Everything lives at a much greater level I saw my beloved dog bully and wept when I held him, smelled felt his love for me as I filled him with my love, at last I knew what his little beautiful soul and mind was saying and we communed in joyful wonder.



Each person will have to face judgment for what was done by them done while on earth. We all unlike Hitler have some light and goodness within us and this will enable us to perpetrate the light of God. One candle dispels the darkness. Anyone reading this testimony will definitely not be going into outer darkness but will inherit the kingdom of God. The spirits of all animals will return to God from whence they had come God loves them dearly. The abuse of children will face the full wrath of God and it would be better for this type of person to have never been born.





In my earthly life I have plunged the depths of darkness’, despair desolation and for anyone to tell me there is a hell worse than this was a great offence to me. But now I knew the consequences and the accountability of life and there were hells so terrible that the Christian hell was a kiddies teddies bears picnic by comparison. I saw beings so black, so dark, so cold so evil, so depraved and hideous dwelling in this horror. They were not of human origin, but monstrous beasts of unspeakable evil from elsewhere in the universe and their names were the “Dark Ones” They consisted of Black Light and are the enemies of God and they strive to smother the warm light of God, with their black light of cold. They drain off life into themselves and can only continue to exist by doing this.


God then created all the creatures on the earth and in the universe gave humanity a colossal complex brain so that they could look after all the creatures on blessed mother earth. He gave humanity one thing unique from all the other creatures, namely, a free will without any restrictions or reservations or conditions.


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gstranger98@gmail .com

© 2009 Alan Grant McDougall. All rights reserved

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